Hickman County TN E-911
119 North Central Ave
Centerville, Tennessee 37033
Starting August 1, 2024, the E-911 Addressing Office will be charging a fee for new addresses, private roads, and subdivisions.
Individual Residential Addressing Fee:
-$100 for up to 10 individual addresses per development
-Flat rate of $25 for returning due to failure of completing application requirements
-Flat rate of $2,000 per phase for more than 10 addresses per development
Reserving a Street Name:
-$100 per single residents
-Flat rate of $25 for returning due to failure of completing application requirements
Adding Subdivision Streets:
-$500 per street for up to 10 streets per phase
-Flat rate of $5,000 per phase for additional streets
Maximum Developmental Cost of Subdivision Phase:
-A maximum of $7,000 per subdivision phase will be assessed
Governmental agencies and chartered non-profit organizations are exempt from these charges but must still adhere to the process for addressing and street naming.
Copyright © April Wilkerson. All Rights Reserved.
About 911 Addressing
The Importance of Your 911 Address
Imagine looking for an address at night with no streetlights. Now, imagine a medical emergency, a sick or hurt child that needs help immediately. A house fire, burglary, or broken bone. There are many types of emergencies and we pray that you will never need emergency services.
Emergencies happen every day and when they do, are you prepared?
The first step is to make sure that the emergency personnel can find your home.
Please make sure your house is properly marked. Every second saved does count.
If you can’t see the house from the road, make sure the mailbox is marked
The address should be visible from the road
If the mailbox is not close to your driveway, mark the driveway
The numbers can also be a guide for emergency services to another address needing help
House numbers should be large enough to be seen from the road, at least 4 inches in height
House numbers should be on a background of contrasting color
When a house is some distance from the road, or when the view is blocked by trees or shrubs, display the numbers on a fence, gate, or a post close to the road
On a corner lot, the number should face the street named in the address
The numbers should be reflective or illuminated
The driveway should be marked
The life saved may not be your own, but may be your neighbors.
For Septic Permit Information
TN Department of Environment and Conservation
Morgan Patton, Environmentalist
Regional Environmental Field Office
1421 Hampshire Pike,
Columbia, TN 38401
Septic System Construction Permit (tn.gov)